With the ladies' bellies bulging with babies, I am wondering what the impending births will bring. Last year, my beloved Celeste presented me with black triplets! It was the thrill of a lifetime. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw them. She took care of the three of them so diligently, like it was no big deal. I wonder what she has in store for me this year? Celeste is getting on in years, and I would like to see her take it easy. She has a rather stress-free life here, all she can eat, roomy barn, etc. We are planning on fencing off the brushy area behind the barn, around ten acres, for goat land. Goats love, love, love to eat the bushes, vines and weeds that sheep won't touch. There is a pond back there, shade, and an old apple orchard Celeste and her friends can lounge in. She will live out her days in goatie comfort.
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