Chickens aren't supposed to lay eggs this time of year. Egg laying is directly related to the amount of light the chickens receive. But my girls don't know that. Even the new little bantams are laying the cutest tiny pinkish eggs. I thank them with lots of chicken crumbles, cracked corn, bananas, pasta (yes, they go crazy over it) and on very cold mornings, pots of oatmeal. They don't hide their gratitude - they run around squawking and clucking. We eat all the eggs we want, then crack open the extras on the dog's kibble. Very shiny dog coats on this farm. Have you ever listened, I mean, really listened to chicken speak? Since I have had the baby monitor hanging over my cot in the trailer, I have noticed even more intricate chicken tones. They "sing" themselves to sleep and announce to the group when they have laid an egg! And when they are upset - well, put your ear plugs in!
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