Friday, February 07, 2020

Snow Day for Real!

Is there anything more exciting for a teacher than to find out that you don’t have to bomb out of the house and hit the road?  I anticipated this day off but I know not to get cocky.  My school has seven sending districts and they all have to close before we can.  All the pieces fell into place and here I am, home on the farm where I belong.  Doggies sleeping on the sofa all around me, kitties making little snores, piled on top of each other in boxes, and the wood stove humming.  I have a long list of things I want to do but for now I’m enjoying just hanging out and listening to the wind against the barn walls.  I made porridge for breakfast and thawed a pot of chicken soup on the wood stove so we’re set for food for a while.  Matt did chores for me and got everybody in the barn where it is cold but dry and out of the wind.

Thursday, February 06, 2020

Snow Day, Almost

After several days of blissfully dry roads we are back in the throes of winter.  Brookfield School (k-12) is closed and the roads are miserable.  I am home for the day even though my school in Norwich only has a 2 hour delay.  Matt left for Syracuse in my beautiful pristine classic Volvo.  I have mixed feelings about him taking my car but it leaves me blissfully stranded on the farm which is absolutely delightful.  I am suddenly presented with many possibilities as to how I can fill my day.  I can make soap and hand cream or cut out Bundaflicka Knitting Totes to my hearts content, that is, if my gnarled fingers cooperate.  The sweet young rheumatologist I saw recently told me “we lose more tools to rust than wear.”   There is no going back, only pain management he says.  My hands have served me well over the years providing me with hundreds of totes, clothes, curtains, slip covers, and thousands of pounds of soap and hand cream.  Then there is the hundreds of lives I’ve brought into the world and the tons of fiber they produced.   I should be satisfied but I’ve got a long way to go God willing and Beaver Creek don’t rise.