I have two Wensleydale rams, new this year. One was sought after, the other happened to me. Louie is a very high percentage Wensleydale which is a rare British breed known for their lustrous, long locks and heavy fleeces. Gipetto, three years old, came to me from a shepherd who was downsizing her flock due to unforeseen circumstances. He is 85% Wensleydale and very handsome, the size of a small pony. Louie is small for his breed but has lovely fleece. Both are amazingly docile and get along very well with each other, something that does not always happen with rams. They are pictured above, on the right side of the feeder, standing together, waiting politely for the ewes to finish eating. Gipetto took over the breeding this year. Louie will have to wait. That's okay - I like having another ram waiting in the wings. The Wensleydales will put heavier fleeces on my Bluefaced Leicesters and help me reach my goal of fewer sheep, more wool. Lambing should begin in March. May the Force be with us.
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