When I lived in New Jersey I would go out and pay a LOT of money for the biggest Christmas tree I could find for my development house living room. I would spend a month devoted to decorating my five bedroom, four bathroom, Dutch Colonial with the perfectly manicured 3/4 acre lot. I had a large weeping cherry tree that I would wind Christmas lights around every branch. I drove up and down in front of my house at night to check the decorations people would see in the living room as they drove by in their cars. My fireplace mantle was a top priority, with imported nutcrackers standing at attention, in graduated heights, among candlesticks and fresh pine boughs. My children's stockings were sewn by myself and hand quilted, of course. My life has changed so dramatically over the last few years and it's taken some getting used to. I have no idea where my imported German nutcrackers are, and I don't have a mantle. I now live in a tiny apartment, with only one bathroom - horrors! - and a teeny tiny kitchen. My beast of a wood stove is on a slate slab with fireproof wall covering behind it. What I do have is the most gigantic and wondrous BARN where my beautiful animals live. Front and center in the barn yard is the most magnificent Christmas tree in the whole wide world. Who needs Rockefeller Center? I adore this tree. She gives me beautiful pine cones every year and shelters the birds who come back and forth to the feeder. I can tell the weather by looking out the window and checking the sway of her branches. This tree shelters Knut, who lives under her in the summer, and me, when I sit at the picnic table and sip my coffee. If I had money to burn I suppose I would get a cherry picker in here and string lights from the lovely branches at Christmas time. Maybe not. She is perfect just the way she is.
Friday, November 28, 2014
My Tree
When I lived in New Jersey I would go out and pay a LOT of money for the biggest Christmas tree I could find for my development house living room. I would spend a month devoted to decorating my five bedroom, four bathroom, Dutch Colonial with the perfectly manicured 3/4 acre lot. I had a large weeping cherry tree that I would wind Christmas lights around every branch. I drove up and down in front of my house at night to check the decorations people would see in the living room as they drove by in their cars. My fireplace mantle was a top priority, with imported nutcrackers standing at attention, in graduated heights, among candlesticks and fresh pine boughs. My children's stockings were sewn by myself and hand quilted, of course. My life has changed so dramatically over the last few years and it's taken some getting used to. I have no idea where my imported German nutcrackers are, and I don't have a mantle. I now live in a tiny apartment, with only one bathroom - horrors! - and a teeny tiny kitchen. My beast of a wood stove is on a slate slab with fireproof wall covering behind it. What I do have is the most gigantic and wondrous BARN where my beautiful animals live. Front and center in the barn yard is the most magnificent Christmas tree in the whole wide world. Who needs Rockefeller Center? I adore this tree. She gives me beautiful pine cones every year and shelters the birds who come back and forth to the feeder. I can tell the weather by looking out the window and checking the sway of her branches. This tree shelters Knut, who lives under her in the summer, and me, when I sit at the picnic table and sip my coffee. If I had money to burn I suppose I would get a cherry picker in here and string lights from the lovely branches at Christmas time. Maybe not. She is perfect just the way she is.
Nathan and Butterscotch
I know Nathan and his family from the Hamilton Farmer's Market. Recently Nathan's mom saw a picture I posted of my angora rabbits. She told me her son, Nathan, is looking for a buck to breed with his beautiful angora doe from Pamela Kurst of Dancing Bear Farm. There are not many English angora rabbit breeders around here. Fortunately I have a buck, all the way from Wisconsin, who is perfect for a match with Butterscotch. Nathan and his friend, Tom, brought her over for a date with my buck. We decided to leave Butterscotch overnight, as we did not see a real mating take place. My buck was doing his best but Butterscotch, sweet little thing, is shy. Nathan came back to get his baby, took one look at her and said, "She's a MESS!" Apparently, my buck was working on her through the night. Let's hope Butterscotch was receptive to his advances and will give Nathan a litter of kits in a month's time.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Goaties Love the Snow
Monkey and her friends enjoyed the snow today - unusual for goats who tend to stay under cover in bad weather. Monkey is the Grand Dame of the angora goat herd. I have one goat who is older than Monkey, but she doesn't have nearly the AT-TI-TUDE that Monkey has. The sheep love to eat snow and I was surprised to see them staying in the barn for most of the day. I only saw one sheep venture out to check the weather. I'm not surprised as they have all the delicious hay they could possibly want and room to lie down and relax in the barn.
Thanksgiving 2014
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Storm Coming
Monday, November 24, 2014
Passing the Torch
Mondays are never easy for me. I have to scramble to get the farm ready to be without me for a day. It's like leaving a giant day care center unattended, with dogs to take care of everything. I'm still reliving my walk Friday night, in the dark, up the hill, with snow crunching under my feet. The air was crisp and clear. When I started up one star had emerged to the north, with the last rosy glow fading on the other side of the valley to the west. As we reached the top of the hill I turned to find barnyard lights turned on down the valley and up the Edmeston hill, a very long way off. Stars were dotting the sky. I don't have the same sky view I had when moving here eight years ago. The massive Chobani yogurt factory complex glare has put a shadow on the sky. The little village of Brookfield has new street lights, way too bright, three miles away. Hamilton, seventeen miles from me, contributes to the glare. I remember opening my trailer door one moonless night eight years ago and feeling my way to the picnic table so I could lie on my back and take in the magnificence. The Milky Way was a white streak across the sky. It's not quite so well defined now. Too bad. I spent most of the weekend on the farm, working in the barn, I made Peppermint soap and did some spinning. I'm very excited about Mia coming tomorrow night. I'm teaching her how to make Shepherd's Friend Hand Creme. Passing the torch. I've made it for ten years and now she wants to make it. She has some excellent business plans and a partner to help her. I've decided to get out of the soap and hand creme aspect of my farm and concentrate on fibers and fabric. I have a giant stockpile of beautiful fabrics that I hardly have time to touch. I'm expecting more sheep this spring and my angora rabbit population is growing. I want to make yarn, not soap. I've made it for twenty years. Time to pass on that torch, too. How lucky I am to have a talented and energetic daughter who wants to learn from me. It will take a bit of time for her to hone her skills and I will be happy to pass on her contact info when she's ready.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
It's not until tomorrow but since Thursday is almost over I can start celebrating Friday. Would Friday be so dear to me if Monday was not so painful? I don't think so. There is a quiet euphoria in school when Friday rolls around just knowing we can stay home the next day. For me it's a chance to be with my animals and play with all my toys. I am challenging myself to go through the mountain of clothes in my bedroom that I saved from the possums in the tractor shed. Yes, I know, that was a long time ago that I went into the giant pole barn to find clothes I hauled up here from New Jersey and discovered possums living in them. I salvaged what I could and brought them into the house. I have a hard time giving up clothing. If I wait long enough it always come back into style. Most of my stuff is classic country and that never goes out of style. I don't have to dress up for my job and farm living does not require a stylish wardrobe. I do like to have something nice to wear to the Fur Ball in February and occasionally to church. It's snowing outside, just a soft little snow, but more will come tonight. The barn water was frozen this morning and I'm in full tote water mode. Twice a day, morning and night, I carry water out of the milk house and pour it into the hanging buckets for the sheep and goats (keeps the ducks out), chickens in the chicken room, bunny bowls (five cages, soon to be more), and two dog bowls. I put out all they can drink, twice a day, and that seems to be enough. This way they are always drinking clean water and nothing has a chance to drown in a tank. It requires about six trips in and out of the milk room. I have one container filling up while I carry two out to empty. I use old large kitty litter containers with handles. I've used the same containers for several years, a testament to how long they would last in the land fill. Like forever. The door on the milk house room doesn't always shut correctly while I'm toting water out and the goats pry it open. I come back for more water to find six or eight goats with noses in the feed sacks and chicken flying everywhere. I have to chase the goats out, then shoo the chickens with a broom or they will roost over my dye stove and poop all over it. Life on the farm. Never a dull moment in the Land of Poo.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Warmer Next Week
Monday, November 17, 2014
Not a Fit Night Out for Man Nor Beast
Sunday, November 16, 2014
I try not to let this happen. I check all the places where a mother hen might hide her eggs and pull them regularly. This mom found a good hiding place, probably up high, and hatched seven little chicks. I heard the familiar peeps when I opened the door yesterday and there they were. Mom did a great job of keeping them warm, but how to feed and water newborn chicks in a barn with sheep and goats are running hither and yon? I decided to let nature take it's course and she got them through the night okay. Today when we were chasing Spikey around after yet another escape I noticed the mom had brought the brood out into the middle of the barn where the chaos was happening. What was she thinking? I found a suitable cage but newborn chicks can wiggle through the smallest wire. I was able to find a box to fit snugly inside the cage. Matt helped me catch the family, not an easy task with a panicky mother hen alternately trying to escape and attack us. Now they are warm and protected with food and water until I can find a better cage. There is always something. The world would be a better place if all mothers were as determined and protective as mother hens. Motherhood prevails.
Farm Aid
Matt did a great job rebuilding the East End barn door. He scraped the mud/manure off the concrete slab making it a lot easier for the sheep and goats to get in and out of the barn. Instead of a giant sliding door to open and close, he built a smaller door within the door. Very clever. This magnificent old barn needs more work than we could ever do in our life times. It would take an Amish community to restore it to it's former glory. I love this old, classy barn, and still say ahhhhhh when I drive over the hill and see it looming in the distance. I think it's the prettiest barn in Brookfield Township. More importantly, it provides shelter from the storm to many, many lives inside it. We're fairly well buttoned up for winter now. No drafts on the bunnies. The milk house drain hasn't frozen yet. Life is good.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Farm Day
A day when I can stay home and work on the farm is a true gift. I did leave to get to the Post Office in the village of Brookfield. The hours have been cut by the Feds and I can only see Sharon, the postmaster, married to a former teacher at my school (don't you love country living?) between 8 and 10:30 in the morning. I picked up my mail and sent off two packages, which always gives me enormous satisfaction. Casting my bread upon the waters, only it's soap. Got back to the farm and straight away set about securing the Nubian Goat Area. Matt was very helpful with tying up fence panels and covering windows so the winter wind doesn't chill them. The goat pen was the pig pen, but there are no pigs here now. It runs along the barn so the Nubian goats can see the other goats and sheep but can't mingle with them until Spikey has done his job. We caught Janey, Fancy's daughter from two years ago, and Matilda, big FAT Nubian girl who has never been pregnant. She is gigantic from gorging on forage and Matt says the runty Spikey will not be able to mount her and do the job. I'm hoping Matilda comes into cycle and decides to cooperate by lowering her back side to accomodate Spikey. One can only hope. The angora goats earn their keep by producing mohair. The Nubians are supposed to produce goat milk. So far it's not working out as well as I hoped. Fancy, who is still on the loose, was a BITCH to nurse and required Matt sitting on a chair with his arms around her neck, holding her still. She did whatever she could to kick the bucket over every time I milked her. Good thing she's so beautiful, and that Miss Tammy at the abbatoir behind the Chobani factory does not do goats. I'm going to give it one more try. After working on the goats I started scraping and sweeping the milk house where the cats will winter over. They are being moved from the "work room," a utility room next to the apartment, so Matt can build my cabinets. Yes, it's happening. The wood and tools I purchased was delivered on Thursday and is piled in the room. I don't want to talk too much about it as I might jinx it. The milk house room is where my dye stove and wool washing machine is. It's not a bad place for kitties as they can go in and out via the bulk tank hose trap door. I bleached and washed all the bucket and feed pans I have in the barn. Can't remember when I did it last and it took some time. Gentle snow was falling outside and the sun was showing a bit. It feels weird to work in the barn while suited up in my fleece pants, rubber boots and a hat on my head, but it's that cold now. Came on real fast this year, in the Great North Land.
Friday, November 14, 2014
Early Snow
I rushed off to work thinking OH, how beautiful! The sun shining through the icy branches and the hills covered with a lovely dusting of snow. My joy was short-lived when I had been traveling on route 8 going south toward New Berlin and I noticed the cars coming the other way were creeping along with emergency flashers on. I drove on a little way and had almost reached the Chobani factory when I saw traffic stopped and several rescue vehicles. Two cars had apparently collided and were smashed to half their size. I tapped my brakes to stop and guess what. No stopping. I kept sliding and sliding and was fast approaching the back of the vehicle in front of me when I had no choice but to steer off the road to avoid it. Luckily there was no culvert to dive into at that spot and a lovely mile marker pole stopped me. I put it in reverse and backed out onto the road which was a solid sheet of invisible ice. Not a bit of silt or salt or grit had been spread on it. We were eventually allowed to pass and I had to make a quick decision to either go miles down route 8 and cut over on 23 to Norwich, far out of my way, or risk going over the hills and dales to school the way I usually go. I took a chance only to find a big truck stuck on Columbus Hill, not able to go forward or backward. It took ten minutes for him to inch upward off the hill and pull over to let me and the one car behind me pass by. I found out later that was my co-worker, Fawn, behind me, equally shook up over finding herself on impassable roads. Low and behold when I creeped down the mountain into Sherburne the temps were high enough to melt the ice and route 12 was fine. I pulled into the school parking lot and jumped out to check the front of my new-old Honda van. The metal pole had not done much damage and I recalled the two totaled cars on route 8 with the policeman picking up a back pack out of one of them. I wondered if it was a student and a fatality since I didn't see the ambulance speeding away. Still don't know. I asked Fawn how she made out on those awful roads and she said I was right behind you! We got through our day and now it's Friday night. I'm still chasing Spikey around the barn. Got him in a dog pen now until I can fashion a secure space for him. He's so cute but such a runt. Maybe I can trade him with somebody for a full sized buck my girls might want. The angora does, smaller than my Nubians, think Spikey is adorable, but that's a line I don't want to cross. I'm in from chores at nine and pretty well knackered. There is a mountain of dishes in the sink I should get up and wash before nighty-night. Thing is I want nighty-night even more than a clean sink. Wouldn't it be nice if the Irish faeries would come in the wee hours to surprise me? Not a chance.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Snowy and Spikey
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
The weather yesterday was lovely. Sunny and breezy weather is perfect for drying fiber. I was shopping in New Hartford and couldn't wait to get home and spread out the chartreuse mohair that was in the washing machine tub. With the days so short now it didn't get completely dry, and I'll have to figure out where to spread it out inside as today's weather took a turn toward winter. The kitties love when I put fiber out on the rack. They jump up and rub their faces against my hands as I pull the locks apart. I'm going to send this fiber out to be spun into yarn. I'm phasing out of the roving process. I have way too much wool and mohair to spin myself. I'm years behind on spinning the roving I have stored here. I've been a hand spun snob forever, and it will be an adjustment, but I'll get used to it. Roving is hard to display in a booth and takes lots of room to transport. I will always have a hand spun basket in my booth, but now I'll have mill spun, too. It will still be my Mother Fiber, from happy sheep who are not raised for meat and who never, ever endure the horrors of an auction. Now to decide which mill to use. Any suggestions?
Buttoned Up
With winter closing in we need to get the barn ready. This building becomes our entire world during this season. Windows that were taken out to allow more ventilation are put back in, if we have those windows, that is. If we don't, we nail sheets of plastic over the openings....anything to keep the cold winds out. A barn can't be too tightly closed up or the sheep get sick. I don't have to worry about that. This classy old barn is huge - 240 feet long and 40 feet wide - and has many "holes" for air to get in. The animals are out of the wind and are dry but it still gets very, very cold. The sheep are still grazing and will continue to do so until the snow over the grass is too deep. Once the drifts are so high that they can't get to the grass we start forking hay twice a day. That requires climbing ladders to the hay mow where the round bales are. We've already started forking in the evening. Matt is working on fixing the giant sliding East End door. The wooden slats on the door have long been bashed and broken by sheep herding in and out. He's going to build a small door within the door so the big door can be closed but the sheep will have an opening to get in and out of. Sheep like to eat snow and I want them to be able to go out and get some sunshine on nice days. The concrete slab at the far end has to be cleaned off before Matt can work on the door. Mud slides down the hill and settles in front of the door. The slab was put there for cows and I'm glad to have it. The land directly in back of the barn is marshy - future pond site? - and the slab keeps the flock's feet dry. We'll get through winter, we always do, but it's a lot of work. All water has to be toted out of the milk house and poured into hanging buckets. I've tried various ways to keep the flock watered. Giving them all the water they need twice a day works best. There is no bulk tank to get dirty or pooped in, or for lambs to drown in. When sheep are on hay they are much thirstier than when they are grazing on juicy green grass. The milk house drain will freeze and I won't be able to wash my wool in there until spring. The bunnies will be switched to aluminum bowls instead of bottles. I can bang the ice out of the bowls a lot easier than defrosting bottles. The bunners need water twice a day, before work and in the evening. No need for trips to the gym here, just yoga every day while my bath is filling up, to keep these old muscles from pulls and spasms. Then there will be lambing come March. Am I nuts? I don't know. I think I have one or two more lambing seasons in me. A shepherd with no lambs? Nah, don't think so. Just wouldn't be right.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
I was flying along the road to Utica this morning when I saw a wagon full of cabbages. I turned around and went back to check it out. The farmer's wife was selling cabbages, brussel sprouts, squash and potatoes. I adore cabbage. I'm famous in my school for the cabbage soup I used to make for a certain student to keep him coming back to school. Cabbage is very, very good for you. It keeps colds and viruses away and tastes delicious. Sadly, spouse hates cabbage soup. He calls it Russian Prison Soup, after the books he read by Alexander Solzinitzen. Whatever. I bought 20 of the big, beautiful cabbages and three brussel sprout trees. I gave two cabbages to my chickens who feel the same way about cabbages as I do. I figure they will thank me with delicious eggs.
Annie said she was coming to pick up her van but I didn't believe her at first. She had been in Maryland for ten days sitting with her sick father and I didn't think she really wanted to get back on the highway again. Her VW Westphalia camper had broken down when she and Hannah picked up Luke from the farm last summer. She got two miles away and had to hike back to the farm. They got back to Maine in a rented car and the camper was towed to a guy who knows how to fix them in Marcy. The camper has no heat and they had to get it back to Maine before the weather got bad. They arrived Saturday night and we had a big dinner of Luke's favorite baked beans, marshmallow yams, roast ham, fresh pork roast and corn. For Hannah's sake I had nothing green what so ever. Hannah hates green leafy food. We chatted and got caught up on each other's news. I don't see enough of my Eric, as he is very busy heading up the Pine Tree Council in Portland, Maine. He has been wildly successful in revitalizing the district and I'm so happy for him. Sunday morning we had Swedish pancakes and then they were gone, as quickly as they came. They had to get back to their pets at home. I resent these lightning visits as I always feel like we didn't have enough time together but I'm thankful they all came to see me. Annie is very happy to have her van back.
Wednesday, November 05, 2014
Spike Lee
"Spikey" is my Nubian buck, purchased to breed Fancy, Matilda and Janey, Fancy's daughter, so I can have goat milk in the spring. I'm expecting lambs in March and would like to have goat milk to use as lamb milk replacer if I need it. Milk replacer is ridiculously expensive, especially when you consider it is powdered whey, a by-product of cheese and yogurt making. A bottle lamb can cost a fortune, and, if you are the Jewish mother of the sheep world, the bottle feeding can go on for six months instead of the recommended six weeks. Spikey is adorable, although a bit small, and the Nubian ladies are not interested in him. Goats are fussy and go for the biggest, most macho buck they can find. We put them all together in the lengthy pen running along the side of the barn and waited. No signs of the activity we hoped for. Then the big girls escaped. I'm still not sure how, but they did. Put them back in, another escape. I was conflicted, as there is still lush green grass on the hillside and I felt guilty about denying such nutritiousness to the girls. I can't let Spikey out as he might breed the angora does and they would be ruined for mohair as Spikey is a dairy goat. I went about my business and continued to feed and pet him. This afternoon when I returned from town I went out to the barn and - no Spikey! Oh, crap, I thought. He must be having a joyous romp with the angora does. Thankfully, he was restricted to the barn yard with the sheep, who had not been let out to graze yet. I couldn't help but notice he was "all over" a very aged white angora doe, nudging her the way bucks do, and nuzzling her until the tail. A little while later I saw them together in the barn where I treat the goats to cracked corn, a trick I use to get them inside while the sheep are out to graze. Luckily, I was able to lasso them and I put them in Spikey's pen together. Spikey was delighted, as he is in love. The old doe is happy to have the attention and be in a pen where she is given grain twice a day and doesn't have to fight off the younger goats to get to it. When spouse returns from his weatherization trip we'll put the Nubian does back in the pen with Spikey and his old lady. Maybe they'll be jealous and "give it up" so I can have my goat milk for my lambs in the spring.
Heartwork Quilts
I finally made it to Heartworks Quilt Shop, in Hartwick, on the way back from Cooperstown, today. What a pleasant experience. This comfortable shop has an expansive array of fabrics, including quilt cottons, decorator fabrics, fleece, flannels and woven wool yardage. I gave myself a half hour to browse the two floors and made friends with the resident spaniels. I used to quilt, years ago, but when I discovered the wonderful world of natural fibers and spinning, quilting was left by the way side pretty much. I still lust after quilt cottons, and use them to wrap my soaps.
Honey for Sale
I adore honey. I think it is a miracle substance and have it every night in my chamomile tea and sometimes in my coffee. I put it in my hand made soap. I'm very concerned about the plight of the bees. Many local hives have failed. I buy honey from local beekeepers as often as I can. Honey never goes bad so I feel it is a good investment. Who knows - honey may be unavailable someday. When I was driving to Cooperstown a while ago I noticed some lovely bee hives painted rainbow colors. I was in Cooperstown today and made a point to slow down so that I might snap a photo of the pretty hives. I noticed a sign and a table with jars. That was a perfect excuse to stop. I love when people put their wares out for sale. I like to support their entrepreneurial spirit and reward them for their hard work and trust in the public to pay for the goods. I bought the four jars on the table and took a picture. I think I'll have some of the new flower honey tonight.
Sunday, November 02, 2014
Still Swimming

Cooper and Bertha are still enjoying a daily swim in the pond. The other dogs like to get a good long drink or delicious spring water while still on solid ground. The pond is our favorite walk destination. We check out the few remaining gold fish Madame Blue Heron has left us and walk all around before heading up to the Tippy Top or downhill to the lower hill top pasture and back down to the barn. I'm thinking we have another month before the pond of frozen over and the doggies will be skating instead of swimming.
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