I am in a fog Monday morning, waiting to see if the few coffee beans I found in the back of the cabinet are not the dreaded decaf variety. It's a terrible thing to be addicted any substance, and coffee is the one for me. I fix the pot the night before, stumble over to it on the way to the royal throne room and flick the switch first thing in the morning. Kimmie Cornerstone always brings me Multatelli coffee from Canada every time she comes to visit me. I mean always, always, always. She must be mad at me about something because she didn't bring me any coffee when she came to visit this past weekend. She will never tell me because I know she loves me, but something is wrong. Anyway, I didn't realize I was almost out and last night, around midnight, after clipping three bunnies and making an unbelievable mess in the apartment, I went to fix my coffee pot. No coffee. Where does one go for coffee in the middle of nowhere at midnight on a Sunday night? I decided to woman-up, go to bed, and face the problem in the morning. Funny, I woke up three times, probably worrying about no coffee. This morning I found an old, crumpled bag labeled "Hazelnut" with about five beans in it. I ground them and made coffee, not very enjoyable because I HATE flavored coffee, but perhaps it has the magic chemical that will enable me to face the mountain of dishes, find the broom to sweep up the bunny debris in the apartment, get bathed, dressed, feed Hannah and Luke, do morning chores and go shopping for coffee. You can be sure there will be some hidden pounds of French Roast in this apartment shortly, to avoid this debacle in the future. What's this? I am starting to wake up! YES!! Maybe the five beans are not decaf after all! I'm saved!