Gilbert Gonsalves, crafter of the famous Robin Spinning Wheel, came to Fingerlakes for the first time this year. He was given a primo spot to set up his wheels and Lilly Spindles. We had a nice chat about this and that before the show opened. I invited him out to dinner Saturday night and he gratefully accepted. I was hoping to get him all likkered up and convince him to put me higher up on the list for a wheel. I sold my three Robins - a sore subject - to pay for hay last winter and miss them dearly. Parting with them was like cutting off three appendages. What price sheep? Let's not go there. Unfortunately for me, Gilbert is very ethical and just couldn't put me higher on the list, which is 60 wheels long. We had a nice time and I listened to how much he misses Robin and wishes she could have come with him. Nobody - not a single soul - sat down to try a wheel that day and Gilbert was devastated. People were not familiar with the Robin wheel in the wilds of Western New York. He was sure that sweet, lovely Robin would have drawn them in the booth. I suggested we go to the Spin-In and hob-nob with the Genessee Valley Handspinners, the guild that sponsored the show. We wandered in with our wheels (I brought my trusty Louet) and sat down. It wasn't long before Gilbert was answering questions about the Robin wheels and letting people try his out. His spirits were much improved. Carol, one of the fleece judges, took me through the show fleeces one by one. What fun to examine the Cotswold, Cormo, Corriedale and Romney, among others, that were presented for judging. I hope to get coats on my sheep someday so I can enter my fleeces. The guild brought in pizza and wings and I left having a few more fiber friends. I made my bed in the truck, washed up, and went to bed around midnight. Fell fast asleep but the moon was up to her old tricks. 4 AM and I was sitting up wide awake. No wonder I am constantly sleep deprived. Walked the fairgrounds under the stars again but came back to the truck to try and get some rest, even if it was just lying down. Woke up with a start and it was almost 9 o'clock! The show opens at 10! People walking past my truck but I managed to pull my clothes on lying down. Ran to the rest room to get washed up and start day two at the show. The ladies from the spin-in brought their friends to try Gilbert's wheels and he was a very happy camper.
What's really cool about the top photo is the man on the left is Jonathan Bosworth-the Journeywheel guy (and maker of my favorite spindles...). Two craftsmen together.
I know, I should have mentioned him! He certainly deserves to be recognized, with his reputation for expert craftsmanship! Ooops!
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