I befriended Candace Cain at the Hamilton Whole Foods restaurant. When I first came to Brookfield I accidentally found Hamilton while riding around the countryside. She was one of my first acquaintances in Central New York. Candace makes lovely earrings, bracelets and necklaces and sells them at the farmer's market. She told me about her job spinning for Kristin Thomas, a local woman who had a thriving business selling sweater kits made from single strand bulky yarn. The business stalled and Candace was left with an Ashford wheel but no fiber to spin. She wanted to buy a bag and fiber from me, so we struck up a deal where she could spin some of my wool for me. Candace came to Fingerlakes to help me in the booth on Sunday and brought some yarn for me to display. I absolutely adore what she's done. I can't spin bulky at all. Candace's yarn is thick, lustrous coils that show off the colors in the roving so well. She had never been to a sheep festival before and was overwhelmed with the talent and crafty goods wherever she turned. It was great to have some help so I could browse around, and wonderful to have a hand taking down and loading up. We had a bite to eat at the little bar restaurant in Hemlock and went out seperate ways. I sent her home with some llama, angora and wool roving and can't wait to see the yarn she comes up with.
Really nice yarns!! I wish I had talked to Candace. Kristin Thomas's mother-in-law lives a few doors down from me. I think she did some of the custom knitting for the business.
Those sweaters were gorgeous! I remember seeing Kristen in her booth at Maryland.
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