I think we are already doing better on the birthday thing this year. I took the advise of someone who commented on this journal last year. She told me, look, you have to tell him who-what-where-when-why. This is my birthday, I am your wife, I am the center of your universe, the one who washes your clothes, yada, yada, yada, and on my birthday I would like 1.a cake 2.a chochka of some sort 3.a mushy card and 4. some kind of special activity. It's called being "transparent" and proactive - fending off disaster and heartbreak ahead of time instead of waiting for him to let you down. There is a box in the refrigerator (cake?) and we discussed possible gifts - sexy nightgown (a lot to hope for), jewelry (I've lost so much in the barn and field he will never go for that) or a floater for the stock tank so it doesn't overflow, maybe a new head light to wear during chores at night. We'll see. Matt has Jan and Dave out tonight (I have to do all the chores but I'm used to that) buying plumbing fixtures. He wanted to work on their place tomorrow night but I said no way. It's the transparent thing again - letting my true feelings be known. In the past I would have said alright then stewed about it, with an argument coming later. I said it's my birthday and I would like to go to Barnes and Noble after work, buy a cappucino, and page through all my favorite magazines. It won't be easy for him, unless there is a new issue of Fine Homebuilding for him to look at, but I will be satisfied. A hand drawn card from Hannah and Luke would be nice, but with them having just moved I don't think that's in the cards. I will go to town and check the post box anyway. In the meantime, I have my kitties, doggies, chickens, sheep, goats and llama. With them in my life every day is a birthday.