Sunday, May 11, 2014

Weather to Dye For

Could the weather be any more picture perfect today?  I don't think so.  Lovely breezes, hot sun, clear sky.  I had to dive into my fiber and get picking more wool and mohair to dye.  I had several mohair fleeces left over from last year along with some lovely black Bluefaced Leicester wool fleeces.  When I have a black fleece with sun-lightened tips I like to dye it for a lovely variegated effect.  Without shearing yet this year I'll have a giant run of last year's Mother Fiber to get out to the carding mill in time for Bouckville in June.  My drying rack was full today.  What joy, to watch the sheep and goats graze while sorting my fiber.  I can't get Jim Baldwin here fast enough.  The sheep are bursting with wool, the culmination of all these months of hard work, toting water, forking hay, pouring minerals, vaccinations and worming.  I can't wait to play with it all.

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