Monday, May 12, 2014

Warm and Humid

Forgot how it feels to be hot and sweaty until I ran errands after school in 85 F. heat.   I need to do grocery shopping for my class, pack and mail some orders, stop at Tractor Supply while in Norwich.  On the way home I noticed the familiar sign at the end of a little farm lane on King's Settlement Road.  My little old lady is putting out her rhubarb again.  Eric will be thrilled with his rhubarb preserves.  No strawberries included this time he asked.  Once I got home I fried a lovely chunk of cod fish and served it with really good crunchy cole slaw.  Felt like summer.  After chores I grabbed another little wether goat and clipped off his mohair.  If I do one or two every night I will have enough fiber for the run I am working on for Bouckville.  The goats will be much more comfortable too.  A couple of them are starting to slough off their coats - not good.  They should have been shorn already but it was just too darn cold, then there was the focus on Maryland Sheep and Wool.  I'll get it done.  A creature of some sort is living under my chicken room and stealing all the eggs.  I fed and watered the chickens faithfully all winter and should be having a mother lode of eggs now.  The furry varmint I saw diving down the hole out of the corner of my eye must be sneaking them away.   I put a big old Tom in the chicken room tonight. I hope he stays at least for the night before he figures a way out.  I don't trap.  I don't poison.  I have a problem.  If only I could put Ole Thor in there...Izzy, my rat terrier would be the best option, but Izzy likes to sleep laying up against my belly and I like Izzy there, too.   I better sleep on it....

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