Sunday, May 11, 2014

Perfectly Wonderful

The weekend is turning out to be the shot in the arm I needed, after a long, cold winter and a lot of hard work getting ready for my first big show.  The weather yesterday morning was iffy for the farmer's market, so I lingered a while, waiting for the rain to stop and clouds to clear.  I'm so glad we decided to go.  I had missed the first market day when I was at Md. Sheep and Wool.  I hear I didn't miss much as it was cold and rainy here.  The sun came out and we had a fantastic day, with steady traffic and friends stopping by to say hello.  I even had people from the Morristown area, where I lived in NJ for so many years, visit me in Hamilton.  I had a huge wool sale, which was quite the thrill, as most people have no idea what to do with all that colorful fluffy stuff, and my artsy handspun is way too pricey for "civilians."   I was able to pick up the Amish butter, jalapeno muffins and Jake's Gouda I had missed over the winter.   I spent some time plying the bobbins I filled in Maryland while chatting with customers.  LOVE this recent run of Mother Fiber.  It slips through my fingers so beautifully, and the chartreuse next to the fuschia and purple is so pretty.

We topped off the perfect day with a banana/soy milk shake at Hamilton Whole Foods before journeying home.  Where there is a yin there is a yang, and, to my horror, the bumper separated from the bucket of bolts and we lost the trailer as we pulled in the driveway to the farm.  I could only marvel at my luck in having this happen at home instead of on the highway in the wee hours of the morning last Sunday night coming home from Maryland.   Scarlett and Sue Ellen were given a reprieve, as they were scheduled to go to visit Miss Tammy at The Farmer's Place tomorrow morning.  I have nothing to pull the trailer with so they will remain indefinitely.  Fine with me.  

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