Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I spent the weekend at the 3rd annual Central New York Fiber Festival in Bouckville, New York.  CNY spells heaven on earth, and when you add all manner of fiber bearing animals, along with talented artisans who know what to do with luscious natural fibers, you have Shangri-La.

Wool sales were brisk despite heavy competition from local shepherds, goatherds, paci-people, and bunny ranchers.  I was able to barter my goods for various things including much needed and longed-for hay feeders offered to me by a local shepherd who is down-sizing her flock.  I traded a Bundaflicka tote for some gorgeous Lincoln Longwool yarn I was lusting after.  The artist contacted me to say how happy she was with her bag, and how she hopes I am happy with the yarn.  She has no idea...

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