Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Who Da' Man?

Behind every shepherd there is the man (or woman) who gets the wool off the sheep and makes her look good.  For me it is my faithful shearer from Freeville, near Ithaca, Big Jim Baldwin.  He is the only shearer who doesn't make me nervous and fretful.  His easy manner and sense of humor actually make shearing day fun.  Jim really cares about the sheep and gives me good advice, sometimes painful, but nonetheless appreciated.  We have a date for Saturday - thank the Solstice Gods - and I will have a mountain of luscious wool to play with.  Jim demonstrated shearing for the crowds at the Bouckville festival this past weekend.  The fiber fanatics bought his Merino fleeces as they came off the sheep.  Jim gifted me with a gorgeous, long-stapled, highly crimped, fabulous black Merino fleece.  He asked me to be sure to share it with Kim, my wooly side-kick.  Feeling grateful for all the help she gives me at shows, and feeling wonderful after a night in the cozy bed she made for me in the van, I gave her the whole thing to take back to Ontario with her.  I'll be sure to work her like a rented mule for that fleece, but don't tell her what I have planned.

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