Thursday, June 06, 2013

Welcoming Party

I arrived home yesterday to find yet another mother hen and her hatchlings waiting for me in the driveway.  I have such a big barn that chickens can find dozens of places to hide their eggs where I can't get to them.   No wonder I have so many free-range chickens.   I love the darlings, but fear for their safety with the hungry cats around.  My hens are pretty tough.  I've watched them scare off the cats many times.  It's not about size - it's all about attitude.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Maggie!! I found your blog. You definately live in paradise. We just had a T-storm blow through and it dropped the temp to 80 from 96. I love that I can garden most of the year, but there's something about the vista here in the flat swamp area that leaves a bit to be desired. I'll be checking in to see the animals and whatever else you're up to. Sally


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