Tuesday, October 16, 2012

It's That Time

I know it's fall when I change into a cotton turtleneck, light sweater and fleece pants when I get home to do chores.  I'll get some more black fleeces skirted and weighed while it's light, then get chores started early so I can get inside and get dinner started before the presidential debate comes on.  Funny how easily swayed the American people are by one debate.  I wonder if they examined the issues first.  I doubt it.  They make a choice based on one night's tv performance.  Thomas Jefferson said the American people were not capable of choosing a President for themselves.  I'm inclined to agree.   I'm confident the Dems will stay in office, then down the line Hillary will run and surely win.  But for now I have a lot to do.  Robin is a soap wrapping machine, with her little Firecracker, Jaryn, 11 years old, as her helper.  Little do they know how that frees me up for other things.  Rhinebeck only comes once a year and thanks to them I will have a good crop of soap to put out.   Lambs are doing fine.  Margot and Margareta are thriving, still in the jug with mom.  Tails and shots done.  Have to take more pictures - they are adorable.  Zack gave me some lovely lambs.  Have to get Big Jim Baldwin back here for one more visit.  Zack is covered with burdock - my fault for not getting it whacked down before it bloomed.  Add it to next year's list.  There's always next year, thankfully, and the list grows and grows.

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