Monday, October 15, 2012


I'm sorting and picking fleeces in the twilight.  Have six weighed, tagged and ready to go to Rhinebeck.  Can't imagine where I will fit them in the booth but I will.  They are mostly BFL/Merino crosses.  Won't be any more of these as my rescued Morehouse Merino ram crossed over the Rainbow Bridge a couple of years ago.  I'm printing out soap labels for the mountain of soap I've made recently.  My trusty classroom aide, Robin, saved my behind and offered to wrap soap for me.  She's happy to take soap in return and use it for teacher's gifts at holiday time.  Her help is very much appreciated as it frees me up to do other things.   I made Shepherd's Friend creme until midnight last night.  Will sew after chores tonight.  Very happy that my shaving brushes and two Mother Fiber runs should - fingers crossed - get her in time.  Positive attitude prevails.  I'm hoping for cool weather this weekend.  When Rhinebeck is cold, the beautiful hand knit sweaters come out in force.  I've wanted to make this sweater for a long time, and there it was, in the wool, standing in front of me, two years ago.  I want to make it in cranberry red, longer than you see here, which the pattern calls for.  Someday...

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