Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I See the Light

My latest run of Mother Fiber was waiting for me when I pulled in from work.  What a nice surprise which served to perk me up big time.  Stayed for a meeting after school to listen to the newest demands the Race to the Top people have set up for teachers.  The bureaucracy of education is daunting, and with our kids even more so.  Thank you, Lord, for my job.  As long as I have my job nobody can tell me I can't have my sheep.  The two wool runs my hero, John of Frankenmuth, got done for me are lovely.  One is a mustard gold with green and other colors running throughout, and the other is deep purple with chartreuse and reddish magenta.  If I had remembered to put the other bag of red in the box it would be even more striking.  It's a miracle I got it all dry and in the mail to the mill in time for Sheep and Wool this weekend.  Can't wait to spin it when the fur stops flying.  John yelled at me for five minutes when I asked him to get it to me so fast, but he did it.  I owe him big time.  On deck for tonight after chores - finish a partially constructed Bundaflicka tote, skirt another raw fleece or two, and start assembling more Mother Fiber Needle Felting Fiber Packs.  The "grab bags" as Kim likes to call them are a great way to use up my odds and ends for people who like a few colors for a good price.  Robin has been faithfully wrapping a box of soap every night.  Don't know how she does it without getting carpal tunnel.  I will bring the Bay Rum and Bergamot with me to have a soap wrapping party in Annie's VW camper.  Many hands make light work.  The week is flying by which it always does when I don't want it to but here we are.  The sheep were spread all over the hill when I got home which tells me something is wrong with the barnyard fence again.  I've promised myself that next week I will come home from work and, if the weather is nice, lie down in the middle of the field and soak up the sun.  If it's raining I'll lie down on the sofa after work for a while.  It will be a well-deserved rest.  the light is at the end of the tunnel.

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