Monday, September 24, 2012


 I'm fine once I get to work and my friend Robin gives me her beautiful smile, but the effort this morning is huge.  Some days I just want to stay on the farm.  It's not like I don't have a job here...

Miss Mamie is coming around.  Everything I did to her on Saturday to treat her for fly strike took a toll on her - clipping, worming, spraying, etc.  She's a fragile old lady.  The antibiotic shot in her thigh left her lame for a day.  She took the lambs out in the middle of the field and stayed there for most of Sunday.  I carried a bucket of corn out to her but had to cup it to her mouth for her to eat.  I confess I was a bit concerned.  I busied myself most of the day with sewing and soap making, then was greatly relieved to see her coming down the hill with the boys at dusk, not limping much at all.  Aged ewes and lambing is a tricky business, then with the fly strike - yikes.  Don't know how long I'll have Miss Mamie but she gave me Rudolpho and Marcello to enjoy for years to come.

Carol Crayonbox is sending me some gorgeous fabric for Bundaflicka Totes.  Lovely bright red geometric patterns, soft aqua blue paisleys, and others.  Really got my sewing mojo working.  I dream of a time when I can sew and spin wool for a living.  For now...I better get out to the barn, take care of things out there, then take care of getting myself off to work.  So many people are sick there - kids and teachers.  Mucous and bacteria flying through the air in great waves of contagion.  I'm praying I don't get the dreaded fall cold, which cripples me for the big Rhinebeck push.   I'll keep taking vitamins and boiling spinach.  Don't know what else I can do but making sure I get rest at night. Six hours seems to be the norm on school nights. 

Fall is coming on fast.  No apples this year.  Weather conditions not right.  Too bad, I got a banner crop of delicious apples last year, proving that with time and effort I could get my orchard going again.  May try trimming back a couple of trees drastically to see what happens.

Cold out there - will have a killing frost any time.  There is still a good amount of grazing out there, nice for the sheep and me.  I'll be calling around for hay this week.  I have a good stock of round bales but I need square bales too.  So many round bales lying on the ground across the road, rotting in the rain, with sections never mowed. 

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