Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Soup's On!

Every once in a while I go on a soup jag.  I start chopping and steaming and opening cans.  I must be missing some vitamins and minerals (although I'm being good about taking supplements for the first time in my life) because I've been craving certain things like kidney beans and spinach.  I'm the only one in the house who likes my home made soup, besides the dogs and chickens, but that's okay.  I was raised on big pots of hearty soups my mother would throw together.  Last night I made black bean with cauliflower and onion/spinach/celery/corn and tomato soup with lots of lemon curry, veggie pepper and a spice blend including all kinds of wonderful things.    Got it simmering then went out to chores for almost two hours.  The aroma when I came back in was wonderful.  I got much of it frozen for winter.  The squirrels are busy putting away their stores and so am I.

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