Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fly Strike!

I can't think of a worse death for a sheep, and if you don't catch fly strike in time that will surely be the result.  Flies lay eggs in the wool, usually poopy wool around the tail, and the maggots hatch and burrow in.  Miss Mamie has been looking thin and a little nervous.  I thought it might be more than her lambs dragging her down and I was right.  Fortunately I had Catron, the super-duper maggot killer from the veterinary.  I trimmed all around Miss Mamie's tail and hind quarters then sprayed the nasty buggers.  They started dropping off immediately.  I gave her Safe Guard, Ivomec, LA200, and Nutri-Drench.  Sure hope she perks up.  I love that old girl, and would hate to lose her when she has Rudolpho and Marcello to take care of.  I would pen her in the barn to baby with corn but the green pasture is better for her.  She loves to sleep outside under the stars with her lambs. 

1 comment:

  1. Linda in Waterloo9:56 PM

    Sorry about your loss and here's hoping the Mama stays well.


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