Saturday, August 18, 2012

Market Day

The market was much busier today despite the Bouckville Antique Show continuing a few miles away.  I sold the most recent tote with no price tag on it and threads still needing to be clipped.  What a thrill.  A woman from the Adirondacks who was visiting some BOCES colleagues of mine bought it.  Another group of BOCES  people came by and the sister visiting from Utah bought a skein of mohair boucle hand spun to take back with her.  I do love those tourists.  The locals know I will be back another weekend with my wares.  The travelers know they better get it now.  Took my wages to Tractor Supply to get a bag of milk replacer for the still unnamed Rambo ram twins.  The little guy is so tiny and spindly - but sucks eagerly on the bottle.  I can't deny his will to live and will help him all I can.  Bottle babies are costly.  Milk replacer, made from whey powder, is ridiculously expensive.  If I could get him strong enough to nurse from mom it would be different but this aged mom has only one teat working and the bigger, stronger brother is monopolizing it.  I'm worried about Mom - she's devoted but seems tired.  I bought her some minerals and found some good hay in the mow for her.  I sure don't want to lose Mom and babies, too. 

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