Saturday, August 18, 2012

Bye Bye

The humid stickiness has turned into lovely, cool. dry, sunny days.   Father Aaron is on his way to Gorham, Maine, to visit Eric, Annie and kids for two days before heading back to NJ.  He'll visit some friends for a day then report back for Army chaplain duty in Nevada.  It was great having him here although the visit was much too short.  I was able to give him two home cooked dinners and have some good conversations about his work out West and future plans.  I love the way he was able to shoot off fireworks, something he can't do in the city where he lives.  I beg forgiveness from my neighbors - they must have thought we were under attack.  Last night the last few were set off while I was hunkered down on the sofa with some very shaky doggies.  We had a very lovely campfire.  There is something about gazing into the flickering flames and glowing coals that is mesmerizing and soothing.  Matt got Luke's motorbike drained and cleaned up to put in AJ's rented SUV along with his bicycle to take to Maine.  I'm sure Luke will be happy to have his wheels back to explore the new neighborhood. 

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