Sunday, August 19, 2012

Surprise Package

I love presents.  Did I say I love presents?  Especially surprises that come in the mail when you least expect it, when you are feeling a little blue because your kids are together somewhere far away and you can't be there with them, or when the summer is almost over and it's back to work, and summer is over and winter is coming with all the worries and stress involved.  Yesterday I received an envelope containing the most beautiful pair of socks in the whole wide world.  They were sent to me by my dear friend Sock Lady Spins who lives alone in the wilderness of British Columbia, surrounded by grizzly bears and mountains.  Lynne Rettberg describes knitting her socks as a labor of love.  I can't imagine how she does it.  Lynne spins the wool then knits the intricate designs from her own imagination.  For those of us who have "second sock syndrome" getting the next sock done identical to the first is nothing short of a miracle.  All I need are a new pair of khaki pants, a brown top and my brown Danskos and I'm good to go!

1 comment:

  1. Commercial sock yarn not handspun this time.


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