Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Still Have Grass

My lower field is stripped except for the thistles but the middle hill and back field still has a bit of grass.  The sheep are working their way up.  The goat kids are roaming around exploring their fields, with the moms keeping a close eye on them.  They consider me a threat and call them away when I approach.  With the top field mowed I will get some lovely second growth grass - if we get some rain.  We had a tease the other night with about a half hour of rain.  Temps are soaring today and might bring a thunderstorm later on.  One can only hope.  The country is in the grips of an awful drought.  Feed prices will soar with corn crops ruined.  Luckily I always have water, with the cistern in back of the barn and pond up top.  Sewing on deck for me today.  I can put the box fan on me and be comfortable.  The kids will lie low on the sofas and watch TV.  I try to get them off the farm every other day.  Hannah won't swim in the pond but Luke is always eager to go.  We lie on rafts with Izzy and float around watching the frogs pop their heads up to watch us.  I love every minute.

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