Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Room to Roam

Watching Luke race across my fields on his motorbike really gave me a thrill.  How many kids have grandmothers who offer them this kind of space to roam?   The dogs chased him until they gave out in the heat and we all cooled off in the pond.  I took Hannah and Luke to see Madagascar 3 at the cinema.  I needed thread for sewing and a couple of things in the market.  We turned in a few bags of soda cans to help pay for the tickets.  Mean, evil, Omi made them muck out some wet hay in the barn before setting out.  I told them we have to work before we play.  Luke dove right in but Hannah retreated to her trailer to sort through outfits.  We got her out and set her to watering everybody.   The heat is awful, and worse today, with some relief beginning tomorrow.  I figured a movie in the air conditioned theater would help kill a couple of hours.  Watching both kids giggle and laugh at the movie was wonderful.  I enjoyed the movie, too.  It was adorable and very entertaining. Home to the field and the pond. 

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