Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Okay It's Hot

I did some things in the barn and pulled some weeds before it gets even hotter.  Records are expected to be broken today.  I confess I don't do well in the heat but I like to do a little something every day.  A former student just stopped by to ask for work.  Wish I could hire him full time here - he's such a good kid.  His job at Chobani didn't work out.  I hear conflicting stories about Chobani.  Some people around here have worked there for years, back when Chobani was the Kraft cheese plant, and like it just fine.  Others complain of ridiculous working conditions and problems with their pay checks.  Chobani gets a LOT of tax breaks and I here locals complaining about it.  They are draining surrounding wells and putting up power lines.  The factory is growing and growing. It's only four miles away and I'm glad I'm not any closer.   The glare of all those lights would block out the stars for sure.  My  nightscape is already diminished since I first moved here when the Milky Way was a defined white streak across the sky.  Now I have to strain to see it.  I like the fact that they take milk from local farmers.  Sewing for me today, once I set up the fan.  Hannah and Luke are prone on the sofa with their little machines and movie channels.  I'll let them veg until late afternoon when we'll swim before chores.  A break is coming in the weather tomorrow.  A fifteen degree difference in temp is enormous.  We seem to live in the land of extremes - 100 in the summer and 20 below in the winter.  I'm happy with somewhere in between.

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