Sunday, July 22, 2012


Mia asked me to get her started on a scarf for the fall.  She picked out a skein of lovely teal mohair/Bluefaced Leicester from my hand spun basket.  Last night we got her project cast on and a pretty seed stitch - knit, purl, knit, purl - pattern going.  Mia's been knitting a while but needs a refresher course.  When she was going to UMDNJ in Newark she would go out to her car and knit a couple of rows to steady herself before an exam.  It must have helped because look where she is today - a surgical Nurse Practitioner.  Hannah asked me to teach her to knit tonight.  I'm thrilled to do it.  With a grandmother who owns a sheep farm, I see many hats, scarves and mittens looming in her future.  She's even talking about a knitted mini skirt.  I'm so fulfilled...

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