Sunday, July 22, 2012

Hannah is Spinning!

Whenever she comes she brings sunshine and sweetness.  I never want her to leave.  Mia surprised us at the farmer's market yesterday and spent the night on the farm.  If I could bottle the last 24 hours I would.  We loaded up, left the market for the grocery store and Tractor Supply, then took the kids to the unmentionable place for lunch (first time this summer).  Home to the farm and a hike to the pond to swim.  We may be in the middle of a horrible drought, but that pond is cold and wonderfully refreshing, full to the brim.  Back to the barn where Mia made us the most delicious guacamole I've ever had.  Do you know I've never made it?  I plan to rectify that problem now that I've watched Mia put it together.   It's a meal in itself with corn chips, and there is no cooking!  Hannah continued to work on her spinning.  She spied some purple mohair in the trailer and expressed an interest in spinning.  I hopped on that train real quick.  Luckily this mohair is sooooo easy to spin, drafting so easily and soft as silk.  Last night after dinner I showed her how to ply it with a salmon BFL single I had on a bobbin for some time now.  It was great with the purple mohair.  I'm thrilled to teach Hannah these skills, which will certainly be reinforced by her mother Annie, who is a world class spinner herself.  Hannah wound off her yarn on to a niddy noddy and I taught her how to tie it with figure eights.  She taught me the square knot.  We washed her first yarn together in the bath tub, now it's hanging to dry.  I told her as long as she knows these skills she will always be able to make beautiful things for herself, and some to sell when the going gets tough.  Hannah is happily spinning some teal wool now, with her ear phones on.  Luke is reading and soft classical music is playing.  Mia is on her way home to study and get ready for work tomorrow.   It's ghastly hot and humid out there and I'm thinking another session in the pond tonight is a real good idea.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful day for all :) Tell Hannah and Luke they definetley need to have a two cat household - Shamus and Nemesis here are happily playing pounce the person followed by huge happy purrs as they snuggle in the basket together :) Fergus is ADORABLE!!!!!
    HUGS to all!!!!
    Kim and the crew

  2. Linda in Waterloo9:22 PM

    Talented offspring all 'round. You must be very proud.


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