Sunday, July 22, 2012

Hay Bale Challenge

Could you ask for a more exciting and unique playground?  Little did I know earlier this month that I would be able to provide my grandchildren with such fun in my own barn.  Luke couldn't wait to get Auntie Mia up on those bales.  Mia is very "physical" and Luke knew he would have a good partner to party with.  This morning I found them racing over the bales.  We had a bit of an upset when Luke went head first down in between two bales requiring Mia to haul him up by his feet.  Nobody was hurt and Luke forgot about it when he found a large clutch of eggs on top of another bale.  Hannah appeared and Auntie Mia organized a workout session.  I was assigned 20 leg-ups and 100 sit-ups.  We all did yoga together.  What total and complete fun.

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