Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Omi's Swedish Pancakes

I grew up eating Swedish pancakes.  My grandfather, born Knut Birger Alexanderson, called Birger (pronounced BEER-yer) Alexander once he came to America, made them for us.    When Luke was on the way to the farm this summer he called me and asked if I would make him some Swedish pancakes upon his arrival. Now we are making them together.  Luke is learning to cook in the Cub Scouts.  Now he can add these scrumptious, buttery pancakes to his repertoire.  Here is the recipe, tweaked over the years since my Opa made them for me.

Omi's Swedish Pancakes

One dozen farm eggs
One stick real butter
One can evaporated milk
Two heaping tablespoons organic flour
One tablespoon cinnamon
One heaping teaspoon nutmeg
One level teaspoon salt
Pinch of black pepper
Genuine New York State Maple Syrup, if available

Melt the butter in a non-stick frying pan.  Combine all the rest of the ingredients into a blender or food processor and blend for a minute.  Pour the melted butter from the pan into the mixture, blend another half-minute.

Melt another tablespoon of butter in the frying pan.  Add pancake batter, maybe two cups at a time.
Flip when the edges start to curl, cook for another half a minute, then roll the pancake up in the pan before lifting out and serving with real maple syrup.


1 comment:

  1. Got to try it out. DD #1 has been on the pancake kick.


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