Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Downhill Slide

Still getting caught up after Maryland.  Thankfully we are on the downhill slide to the weekend, and the end of the year.  This sudden job switch at school really threw me for a loop and I still haven't quite got a grip on it.   I took a walk in the back field after work with the dogs and it was just so lovely.  It's cool and gray, with lots of water coming down off the ridge.  I stopped by a babbling brook that wasn't there a couple of weeks ago and listened to the music.  I have many beautiful "spots" on my land that are hidden and beautiful.  It's very good for me to get out there and breathe deeply.  I had a nice conversation with Mia today.  She's got quite a bit of hard study ahead of her, learning what she needs to help the surgeons.  I am looking forward to seeing her this weekend and am hoping she will hold two goats for me to shear.  They got away from us at last shearing and are dragging a bit of precious mohair around with them.  I scored a new pair of hoof clippers at Md. which will be a joy to use.  I also brought home some lovely Romney fleeces, just shorn from the sheep at Weymouth Walk, New Jersey, who were getting ready for show.   I know if I had more time to wander the sheep barns at the festival I could have picked up more.  I never seem to have enough white wool for dyeing.  I adore my black sheep, but the wild colors sell better.  I keep the black fleeces for myself to wallow in, savoring the earthy, musky goodness. I had a nice note from the doctor who asked me to make her another messenger tote with a fabric she could put on the floor in the hospital while she worked.  I found some burgundy Gunlocke fabric I got from Carol Crayonbox and decided it was perfect for the doctor.  I finished it in two nights before I left for Maryland and hoped she would like it.  Wouldn't you know she popped in the booth first thing on Saturday to see what I made for her.  She loved it!  It was a bit larger and had eight nice sized pockets.  She wrote that she was able to put five knitting projects in it along with a thermos and her wallet.  That's what I like...happy Bundaflickas.

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