Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Packing Up

Packing up the little store and heading home is never easy, but the high of a successful weekend in the Land of Sheep and Wool makes it easier.  Kim is a real teamster and barks orders like a general, getting us loaded and on the road in about an hour.  I would play with things and say long goodbyes to booth neighbors while she's working her butt off, so it's good that she keeps me focused.  Now all my goodies are packed up tight and won't come out until the Hamilton Farmer's Market on Saturday.  Hopefully there will be a healthy Mother's Day crowd coming out to support the farm and craft people.  There won't be a leisurely Saturday morning for moi until next November.   That's okay - I like the market people, and I always meet some very cool folks there.  It's all about keeping The Farm going another year.

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