Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Kim Made Me Do It

I was so busy with my school job and making stuff for Maryland that I almost didn't enter any pictures in the photo contest at Maryland Sheep and Wool.  Kim kept telling me to send her the pictures I liked and she would get them ready.  She specifically mentioned one in particular, and I sent it to her.  Kim brought the enlarged and mounted pictures to me when she arrived at the farm.  They were just beautiful and I was proud to enter all five of them.  We brought them to the contest people and paid the entry fee.  Saturday morning Kim said she wanted to check the photo exhibition and came back with a big smile on her face.  I hurried over to the building where the photos were housed and was quickly overwhelmed to find I won not only three blue ribbons in three different categories, but Best in Show as well.  My shepherd friend from New Jersey, Joanie Schneiber, happened to be there and shared the joy with me.  Joanie took a pic and posted it on Facebook with her smart phone.  I had to wait a few days to share my good news with my friends.  A special thank you goes to my online friend, Dan, from New Jersey, who sent me the Canon point-and-shoot camera I took all these pictures with.  Thanks again, Dan, and thank you, Kimmie Cornerstone, for helping/making me pick out these prize winning pictures.


  1. My pleasure anytime :):):):)

  2. Congratulations, Maggie! These images are truly beautiful.



  4. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Congratulations Maggie - I got a chance to see them and they are so worthy of their ribbons, lovely picture - but even better is the sweet story of friendship. Suzy

  5. So glad to see your win. It validates even more your love of the farm. Love reading your blog.


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