Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Some Good News

The day didn't start out so great when I put my foot, with my fabulous hand spun, hand knitted wool liner (thank you Kimmie Cornerstone) into my barn boot and suddenly my sock was instantly soaked with ice cold dog pee.  It must have been Izzy who peed down my boot as he knew he was the only dog in this house who could get away with it.  The day got progressively worse as school was so bizarre as to defy any description within my literary capacity.  I made my way home in a fog of "how did my life come to this?" when I found some good news waiting for me.  I was accepted to the very competitive Colorscape Chenango Arts Festival for another year.  One cannot be too complacent when participating in a show like this as they require a new application with photos every year.  Thank you, Peggy Finnegan and Committee for your continued support and encouragement.  I will do the best I can to justify your faith in me. 

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