Wednesday, April 04, 2012


I took a chance on Fire Red by Jacquard and like it very much.  There are several different reds that go into the roving run I call Lipstick, but I wanted one main red that really jumped out and looked luscious - just like juicy red lips you want to kiss.  I think Fire Red is it.  It also cost less than the Primary Red that was on the Dharma list.  I got a fleece dyed last night, then turned the pot off to cool down overnight.  I tipped the giant pot into the washer this morning and got it rinsed and out on the rack before leaving for work.  I stayed late at school to work on grades and progress reports, then journeyed home while a storm and wind started whooping up.  Wouldn't you know my lovely Fire Red Bluefaced Leicester wool was mostly blown off the drying rack, even with a 4 x 4 welded wire fence over it to prevent it from flying away.  I was able to pick most of it up but I'll have to pick out the nasty bits again.  Let's hope the weather is better for drying wool outside tomorrow.  One more day and I'll have a week to work on product and do some things around the farm.  It's late now and I should go outside and close the fence.  I bet the sheep are still out grazing in the moonlight.  The planets are very vivid tonight, we Venus shining so brilliantly and the little orange planets so vivid.  I love these cool early spring days and nights.  We have so much more light in the evening, but still have the comfort of cool temps at night.  Yes, the sheep were out grazing.  They would love to bed down on the hill under the stars, and that would be okay, as the guard dogs are out there with them, but I have to go to work in the morning and need them secure in the barn yard.  It's very cool to see the eyes glowing in my head light, and then they jump up and scatter for a moment before running down the hill through the Poor White Gate.  Everybody's in, fire is stoked, cinnamon herb tea and honey consumed.  I'm taking my doggies to bed.

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