Monday, April 02, 2012

Four More Days or Gotta Deal

I have a giant box, must be 50 pounds in there, of fiber to get into the little Saturn to take to Hayes in Norwich, the closest UPS store.  I also have a giant bag full but need to hunt up some boxes at work today.  Matt is home but has been sick to die for two days. with some kind of cold/flu.  Pray I don't get it.   He can't get off the sofa for anything but the absolute basics.  The hot water seems to be working today - thank you, Lord - so I need to get out there and get chores done so I can wash the fleas out of my hair before going to work.  I finally got some soap made last night - Cinnamon Clove - and have broken the wall that was up between me and the sudsy stuff.  I was kind of worried...I think that not having an inch of space to set out soap to cure has something to do with it.  Every inch of my curing rack is covered with sewing stuff.   I need a separate residence so this space could be entirely devoted to a studio.  As the saying goes, it ain't happening any time soon.  This is a four day week, then a week off to "make stuff" for Maryland Sheep and Wool in May.  This is a one woman band here.  The week after Maryland the Hamilton Market starts on Saturdays.  Won't Sundays be the most glorious day of the week then?

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