Monday, March 26, 2012

Wintry Mix

I woke up to the wind making music around the barn.  Winter is back.  I have not turned the heat on all winter and don't want to start now.  Soon as I made coffee and fed the kitties/doggies I got a blazing fire going in the wood stove.  It will make the place a little warmer before I leave for work.  Have no idea where my fleece pants are for morning chores.  I wormed my five lambs and gave them a vaccination booster last night.  All are doing well except for cute little Robin, who keeps getting pushed away from the grain by the bullies.  She's fine just noticeably smaller.  Valentine is adorable and still on the bottle.  I let him and Vicky out of their own pen and into the kindergarten with the other lambs and moms.  Vicky is very nervous and flighty.  I saw her eyeing the panel that separates them from the rest of the barn.  Hope she doesn't decide to jump it.  There is more food where she is now.  Giving Valentine his bottle is tricky as Joseph and Nicholas know what goodness comes out of that cylinder and try to knock him out of the way.  Time to start weaning I think.   I got 100 pounds of lovely dyed wool and mohair out to the mill in Michigan yesterday.  Pray they work their magic on it and make me gasp when I see it come off the trailer in Maryland.  I have a giant teal green run to ship, and still plan on a bright red "Lipstick" run if I can manage to buy the dyes I need in time.  Still have to get on board with soap.  I will have to switch mind-sets from fiber to soap pretty soon, with tote bags in between.  Getting ready for a big show can be stressful when your booth does not ship in on a UPS truck.  I like making everything myself but sometimes...   My Mia is in Boston at the Sheraton doing a college semester of pharmacology in one week.  What a girl.  I hope she gets some good sleep at night.  With her usual positive attitude she quipped, "I'm going to feel so smart!"  Love that girl...

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