Sunday, March 25, 2012

Gotta Love a Sunday

My internal alarm clock wakes me up at five every day, but that makes lying back down even better.  Can't stay down for long with so much to do and enjoy.  The house was coolish this morning with more seasonable temps returning.  I had a bucket of bark next to the wood stove so I could get a fire going quickly.  I sat in front of the hearth and sorted through some teal mohair.  Oh, I love the stuff.  I found a bag of handspun I forgot about yesterday.  What a treat.  I just don't get the same thrill from mill spun or commercial yarn.  It just feels "empty," or vacant somehow.  Hand spun has a special feel to it, like it has substance...and you just can't get the unique designs when you send your fiber out for mill spinning.  So I'll stick to having my Mother Fiber carded into roving.  The wet felters like it that way and I adore spinning it.  I don't know how I could explain it to Kimmie Cornerstone if I didn't make roving any more.  She loves spinning and comes up with fabulous yarn with my fiber.  I'm shearing again next weekend and will have more to play with and dye.  I want to make another pure black mohair run.  I had some carded last year, with no colors or wool carded in, and it was just heavenly.  I had a nice conversation with Chaplain AJ yesterday.  He sounds so happy.  The Army really agrees with him.  If only he could be stationed closer to home...Mia is on her way to Boston to spend a week at a hotel studying pharmacology.  It's the last step in obtaining her Nurse Practitioner's license after passing the rigorous board exam.  Luckily she will be staying with Erika, her room mate from UVM, who lives in B'town.  Eric and Hannah are flying around Texas in his little plane.  Hannah can fly it herself now.  I expect them to drop out of the sky and land here on the farm someday soon.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:53 PM

    I need Maggies Fibre like she needs coffee - :) I know I'm not the only super fan of maggies amazing roving and soaps either. I know people have told me they need a least a 5 year warning so they can stock up.
    Kim and the crew


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