Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Cold Again

Wow, what a shock after the balmy temps we've had.  It's COLD out there!  The wind yesterday was ridiculous, and I had a heck of a time getting the stove going, even with the updraft fan.  The water was frozen when I went out to do chores.  Glad the sheep have grown back some wool after being shorn a month ago.  Jim is coming back on Saturday to do the rest, with Kim and Crew coming from Kingston to help out.  Up early this morning to see the Wild Irish Boy off to the Hilton in Baltimore for the Affordable Comfort conference.  This is a biggie in the energy field, and he will rub elbows with the heavy hitters in weatherization.  That's okay - go party - I'll hold down the farm, and the job.  I have to suit up in cold weather gear and get out there for chores.  It was so nice to do morning chores in my nightie...Maybe next week.

1 comment:

  1. love the picture!!!! Definetely need to enter that one at Maryland :)
    Kim and the crew


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