Monday, March 05, 2012

Keep Watching the Sky

If I did not have those sheep out back to water, I might never had noticed Mars, the Red Planet, at it's brightest tonight.  Yes, this is the night when Mars is glowing orange in the eastern sky, more visible than it's been in two years.  I sure didn't feel much like doing chores tonight with this head cold, but once I get out there and start climbing ladders, slinging bales and dragging the hose around, I get into it.  The White Boys get dog food, the girls get apples, the moms get a little grain, the goats get corn, the rabbits get broccoli rabe and carrots, the chickens get egg layer and everybody gets hay.   What do I get?  Enormous satisfaction at living a lifestyle that is healthy and outdoors - one that forces me off the sofa and out into the fresh air.  And I get to look at the stars and planets!   Mars won't be back this bright for another two years.  Who knows what will happen between now and then?  I just heard a big asteroid is approaching...

1 comment:

  1. The stars are always brilliant from the hill there :) Love sitting outside watching them. And a stunning picture of IZZY!!!


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