Monday, March 05, 2012

Cold and Getting...

Better get more wood in.  I have the stove full right now.  It's below 20 now at 6 pm and will get colder tonight.  I haven't turned the heat on yet this winter, but then, it has not been a typical NY State winter.  I build it up as soon as I get up, fill up the stove when I leave, then build it up again as soon as I get home.  I was gone this morning at 7 and arrived home at 5.  Trying to get a handle on this new job.  I worry all day about the poor doggies who are listening to every road noise and overturned pebble in the driveway that might be their people coming home.  Sadie, just three months, is not in a crate.  I am gone too long and can't do that to her.  So far she's been real good about going on the newspapers on the floor.  I still hate to leave her so long, but, that's just the way things are.  I felt better about things today, not physically as I caught the cold one student had last week, and so did Mr. Potter.  Matt Redmond got it from me and now is about to lay down and die.  Two out of four kids were absent today, and what a difference two students make.  Two are a hand full but four is a killer.  You'd just have to know these kids....I think I will do chores, tote in a bunch of firewood for the night, spin a little, maybe sew a little on the bag already on the machine, then drink some herb tea and call it a day.  It is a three dog night, and my doggies are always ready to dive under the covers and share their body heat with a human.  Good doggies, good doggies...If only I could have a kitty on the top of my head, but Sadie would chew her legs off.  Oh, well.

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