Wednesday, March 07, 2012

The Force Was With Me

The disruption in the Force which made my day so miserable yesterday was significantly healed with the return of one of the big, burly, male classroom aides I am blessed with, and the fact that only one of my four students came to school today.  Suspension played a role with that, in addition to some sort of infectious rash along with "I was so bad yesterday I better stay away today."  Yes, I only have four students but they might as well be forty.  Tonight will not be another  "Death by Chocolate" night.  I was able to stop at Stewart's today, grab a NY Times (one left!!)and a hot sandwich for dinner (one perk of living alone - I can abuse myself with bad food once in a while) and walk right past the ice cream bin.  I was so worn out by the events of the day last night that I hunkered down after chores and watched one of the Dragon Tattoo movies I like so much.  I was feeling a little bit Lisbeth Salanderish, angry at the world and willing to withdraw from it completely.  I didn't see much of it, drifting in and out of sleep.  At some point in time I took the doggies into the bedroom and turned in.  The weather is so lovely today that I almost didn't start the fire, but lit it anyway.  There is something very soothing about mundane tasks, and there will be a chill later tonight.  I wonder what I will do with all my free time when I don't have to tote so much firewood.  Still haven't turned the heat on this winter.  Good girl.  I'm still fighting this cold, and still feel tired.  Is this what old age feels like?  Tired all the time?  Old age is not for cissys. 

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