Thursday, March 29, 2012

Damp and Dreary

Oh, how I would love to stay home and spin some wool in front of a smoldering, flickering fire.  It's cold, damp and dreary out there.   Have to get out to morning chores and get out of here.  Little Valentine is still getting a bottle twice a day.  I have one more cup of powder in the milk replacer bag, and I have to decide if I'm going to buy another one.  The white powder might as well be a drug, it's so expensive.  $30 for a small bag.  I weaned Nicholas and Joseph with bottles of warm water.  Valentine is getting grain and second cut hay twice a day.  I'll have to sleep on it.  It's pitiful to hear his cries for his bottle.  I think he's chewed his poor mother's teat to the point she doesn't want him any more.  Who could blame her?  I'll buy another Mega-Millions ticket today.  Bought five the other day, the first lottery ticket purchase in my life.  Fun to think of what I would do with that money.  One thing is for sure, there would still be a flickering fire in the wood stove with a spinning wheel and stool in front of it.

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