Saturday, March 31, 2012


Up early to get ready to shear.  It takes me an hour to make coffee, Melitta style, lovingly pouring it through the grounds, and feed the cats and dogs.  I'm out of kibble and was feeding them eggs when I found a bin full of sheep livers, hearts and tongues.  Had to cut them up with scissors for the little darlings.  Yuck, yuck, yuck.  Believe it or not I think they prefer the dry kibble, which is ridiculously expensive but oh, so easy to pour out for them - compared to cutting up livers and hearts, that is.  Matt is back from the Hilton in Baltimore.  Gave him a cup of coffee when he walked in the door at six yesterday and he's been flat out on the sofa ever since We have to round up the sheep and get them squeezed together in a small group for shearing which is never an easy task in my barn.  There are spaces for them to escape everywhere - between stanchions, etc.  Luckily Loren is coming to help with sheep wrangling.   My dear friends, the Parkinsons, are on their way from Kingston, Ontario.  There is a sleety snow coming down and I'm so worried about them driving.  Jim Baldwin is coming from Cortland and it's got to be hard going from there, too.  What would I do without these devoted friends?  Got to get the wool and mohair off before it's ruined.  Mia is on her way back from a week of pharmacology seminar in Boston.  Hope she doesn't slip and slide in her tiny little car with bald tires.  More to worry about.  Better get moving...

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