Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Close the Gate

About to shuffle off to bed with my cinnamon tea with honey when I realized I haven't closed the gate.  I had the sheep out to graze after work today and what a pretty picture they make on the hill.  The light is so intense in the spring with the air still so cold, making for an invigorating time outside after being shut in all day.  I made a fire in the wood stove to take the chill out of the house and took a little nap - unusual for me and so delightful.  Chores started late and finished at 9:30.  I like to take my time and enjoy my animals.  Even with the little bit of grazing they did on the hill the sheep were happy to see their bins full of hay when they came in.   I walked the length of the barn before I came in, all 240 ft. of it, to check for anybody in trouble.  Once I found a poor little goat dangling by one leg caught in a fence panel he tried to jump.  It's dark and spooky in the back but when my instincts tell me to check I better listen.  Didn't find anything wrong.  I went out the back of the barn and looked at the giant silo silhouetted against the starry sky.  The waxing crescent moon just lit the sky up enough to give it a glow but still let the stars shine.  So lovely....Better pull my boots on and go shut that gate.  I have to work tomorrow and can't have sheep running around loose.

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