Sunday, March 04, 2012

Growing Up

Sadie, now three months old, is growing up.  I love Sadie's furrowed brow and soft coat.  She's a happy, fun-loving puppy who loves to play with her mother.  Sadly, Izzy and Tanner are too grouchy to play with a young puppy, but Reba indulges her.  We go outside and find lots of "toys" to bring inside for her to amuse herself, like old sheep bones.  We have bones in all shapes and sizes, some of them with meat still on them.  When all is said and done, Sadie's favorite toy is Mommy's pin cushion, which she will sneak off the machine when nobody is looking.  Very, very dangerous!   We've had some serious talks about that pin cushion to no avail.  Mommy has to put it way up high when she's typing or talking on the phone.

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