Saturday, February 25, 2012

Puppy Dreams

What does a puppy dream about on a snowy, blustery morning when her person is home, puttering around and preventing her from getting a good day's sleep?  I would like to attach probes to her skull and find out.  I imagine it has something to do with juicy cat food cans, and kitty ears to bite, along with muddy sheep bones and old goat horns dug up in the field.  Sadie loves to sleep under the covers in my bed at night, but that crowds Izzy's territory.  They have worked out a peaceful co-existence, with Sadie up at my shoulder and Izzy by my feet, or reversed.  I woke up to calm and gray at 6, wondering where the wind and weather is.  I built a fire in the stove, thinking I don't have to worry about back drafting, but then the gust and horizontal snow arrived.  Very little back puffing, fortunately.  Before Matt installed the fan the apartment would fill up with black smoke when the wind came up.  Very annoying, much better now.  We need another section on the chimney outside, but with the high gambrel roof on the barn that would require renting a lift.  It's on the list.  I made a batch of Shepherd's Friend this morning, hoping I could get to the PO to mail it to the lady in Florida who ordered it.  The roads are just too slippery and visibility very poor.   She puts my creme on her black Lab's elbow pads.  I was tickled when she told me that - a new application for my lavender creme.  Good stuff!  I made a point of inhaling the lavender aroma, to sooth my tattered nerves over my new position in school.  My middle-school counterpart joined the Army and lucky me was chosen to take his place in this out-of-control classroom which is right next to the principal's office. No more cool downstairs corner classroom with a full kitchen and kiln room where I could have a spinning wheel behind my desk and play Swedish movies with subtitles and no sound after the kids went home.   The new room is like a fishbowl and everybody will be peaking in to see if the new lion tamer is keeping her sanity.  These students are not GED bound.  They are still on a diploma track and results are expected.  Good luck.  On deck for today...all kinds of fun including barn chores, inside chores, sewing, spinning, etc.  Poor Matt is taking apart the water pump in an effort to fix it and avoid a huge expense to replace it.  I filled up the bath tub and all the animals' water in the barn.  Fingers crossed.  Not a fun way to spend the day but he is willing to try and epoxy the hole again.  I've had to go into the milk room and turn the water on and off all week as needed.  Life in an old barn...I still think I have the coolest "house" around.

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