Sunday, February 26, 2012

Flying High

What glorious weather, cold, clear and beautiful blue skies, we are having today.  After storming and blowing all day and into the night we have this lovely gift of bright sunshine.  The kitties and chickens are lying in every sunny barn window they can find.  We hooked up the trailer to pick up hay this morning.  I'm limping through 'til the green grass pokes up through the thatch, and I'm praying we have an early spring this year.  With temps going back up to the '50s tomorrow, that is a possibility.  I'm forking up the hay dropped on the floor of the upper hay mow and throwing it down to the sheep.  Every blade is precious.  We motored south to New Berlin for the Sunday NY Times - all six dollars and fifty cents worth - and a rope tow line.  Poor Matt, while attempting to plow the neighbor's driveway he accidentally drove the little 8N into the culvert.  All efforts to pull him out with the Blazer this morning failed.  The dogs and cats are happy today.  I picked up the six sheep from the Farmer's Place, frozen in neat packages.  The two inches of fat on the hind quarters tells me they ate well over the winter.    I'm tempted to make pate with the gigantic livers.  It is the only way I can stomach liver, with lots of hard boiled eggs and onions mixed in.  We'll see...In the meantime I am enjoying the pictures Eric is sending me of Hannah's flying lessons.  They are having so much fun down there in Texas.  At 13 years old Hannah is quite the adventurer.  She is active in the Civil Air Patrol and will soon be flying her cadet friends around in her Daddy's 1940's era Ercoupe plane.  I'm so proud of her. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:36 PM

    She'll soon be flying herself to Omi's Farm :) Jared is counting down the days till they get to start flight school in the air cadets up here -they have to be 16 to start. Thought it was scary enough at that age that he could learn to drive but now he'll be flying too?? Did you just see my hair went completely white!
    HUGS to all
    Kim and the crew


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