Friday, February 24, 2012


 I've been up since 5 thinking about all this and waiting for the heavy weather forecast.  Nothing going on at 5, then a pretty little snow starting at 6.  Sadie wants me to take her high up on the hill into the darkness where the dogs have run.  No way.  We walked around sniffing old sheep bones and other things a puppy would be interested in, then I brought her back in here.  I'll get out to chores, which always makes me feel better.  Mundane, familiar tasks are always comforting.  I stand there with the hose, filling the containers and listening to the sheep crunch on hay.  Oh, yes, the hay.  Have to call and arrange a pick up, with weather considerations for tomorrow.  Challenges...Home after a day I don't care to recall.  My middle school counterpart is leaving to join the Army, and has decided to depart a month earlier than planned.  I have been assigned his class.  I am not happy about this but have no choice.  Let's leave it at that before I say something I'll regret.  I had some errands to run after school, like Price Chopper where I am trying to buy everything I need to get the gas discount.   Gas is $4 a gallon in New Berlin now.  Commuting in the Blazer will be ridiculously expensive.  I fell asleep on the couch after Chinese dinner then roused myself to get out to do chores.  Everyone was screaming as I was an hour late...even the quacking ducks.  With the storm coming in the changing barometric pressure made my headache worse as I climbed up the hay mow ladder.  While staggering around in the dark groping for bales an explosion rang through the barn.  I thought a gas tank blew up, or lighting struck the barn.  It happened again.  Turned out to be the guys two farms up playing with fireworks.  Very powerful fireworks.  What the heck???  My critters and I were all shook up.  As I was throwing bales down I saw something odd in the back barn hay rack.  My beautiful older black doe was lying dead, her hoof caught in the wire as she attempted to jump into the rack to get at the hay.  This morning I put hay in the forward rack, but did not go all the way to the back of the barn, which I do at night.  I adore my black angora goats, and I have precious few of them now after letting so many go last winter.  Her hoof was so badly twisted in the 4x4 wire it had to be cut out.  How she must have struggled before giving up and dying.  Could this day get any worse....Better go to bed before something else happens. 

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